aww it looked like you had a gud birthday, sorry i cudnt make it i was on night shift and paul was already at another birthday party. Great pics :D
aint watched it yet but we taped it on sky plus
AAAHHHHHmmmmmmm Dont roll your eyes at me MR, i love watching it when i remember it on??
I want a platinum ring just like that when/if i get engaged!!:D
wud love to go but aint got anyone to go with paul doesnt like him!!:(
Re: Introduce Yourselves...Again Full Name: Suzanne Waggett Age: 23 Place of Birth: South Shields Height: 5ft sumthing Sex: Female...
:lol: :lol: :lol: ive never read that b4!!! @ Rob nice meeting you at creamfields on saturday!!:D
defo lack ov muny atm m8 so ive told meself that im gona 1 overtime shift a week which is about £120 a shift so when i think about the muny im...
friday working nightshift :( saturday working nightshift:( :mad: sunday working nightshift overtime :( :mad: :cry:
:laugh: :tounge:
IF I LET HIM :wink: in fact he aint going if i cant go!!
ha ha i really thought you meant at fenwicks there aswell :lol: cheers hun im gonna try n try sumwhere im shields 1st like coz ive only just...
umbrella PLEASE can anyone help me, Im off to creamfields tomorrow and im not convinced its not gona rain, i want a umbrella but one ov those...
Re: Re: Fave food so you dont like anything i make you then eh??? :mad: il remember that
Id love to go but im on night shift and aint got any lou days left to use :cry:
Friday day not much, friday night quiet night with paul :love: Saturday day traveling to creamfields, saturday night :wiggle: at creamfields...
i just got this yesterday for me mam, i hadnt heard ov it till she said she wanted it!!
she cud do with bigger boobs i think but shes still lush !!
mine has to be eva longoria think shes quite nice!!
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