Set Times Please Mark as above:D
Happy Birthday Marissa All the best hun, I'm sure you'll see this!:lol: :D :king:
Being Bestman! In about an hour and a half! Just about to crack open a bottle of Champers!:D Please God don't let me lose the rings!:( :lol: :p
Vuzz Tonight? Who's there?? This is a Roll Call. I am in no way advertising Vuzz, or anything connected with Vuzz Ltd. If anything I'd...
The Board Is Winding Down...... starts with all the signature's going. What's next???:o :lol: :lol:
Fran Your box is over flowing love!:p
Might of been more aswell!:o If they had of sorted there defence out earlier, the Premiership would of been a hell of alot closer!
Picotto + The Chems... ....are on at the same time! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Happy Birthday Hutchy! All the best mate!:D :king: :beer:
New Mobile Number!! Part 2!! Anyone who wants it, PM me!:D
Anti Virus software Its Cookee. Stephen has AVG (free version) as software on his comp, but it just wont update itself. Its been like this...
Cyber G! Sort your box out, ya dirty slaggggggggggggggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!
New Mobile Number! If anyone needs it, PM me. Only got this one for 2 weeks though, then getting another new one, so if you think you can hang on...
Semi-Final Ticket! Just sent away for it today! I am praying I get one! If I don't, I don't think I'll be going to too many more Cup games. The...
Swearing! Do you swear much? Can you control it when needed? I swear loads at work, etc, but don't even say crap, or bastard, etc at home, or in...
Weekend! Mine starts tonight really!:D Thusday, off work, so sleep till about 12, then to Town for my haircut. Watch the match at 5, then get...
Prague? Anyone been? What's the crack with it? What's the main clubs? Can you get gear easy over there? I've got some serious powder slags going...
The snow!! I hate it!:evil: Just had an accident coming out of Rachel's street!:mad: So icey, the steering wheel just wouldn't turn at all, went...
Old Before Your Time How :o is this. I feel so sorry for them:(
Feet! What's good for your feet? I have really sore feet, loads of hard skin on them, etc, off wearing my boats for work, but I have no idea...
Separate names with a comma.