as i'm reading this it's 12.56 ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH :D i also swear my phone clocks just jumped from 12.54 straight to 12.56.
Re: hair cuts.... creepy, i'm getting mine done tonight and have just asked them on the gg board for the same thing b4 i saw this one....
Lab 4 live @ TT = pure class, they were excellent smithers, totally blew the whole place apart :D highly recommended :D
just re read the thread, i got it from HMV, and it's Shape Shifters, my bad or yours? :lol: The new Stonebridge Album is quite R&B ish i...
Stop trying to wind me up :devil: i haven't done anything embarrassing to/with/ near Barry, i've always been really careful :lol:
:confused: What's Colin Said?????? :evil:
basment jaxx are really good, mint live :D
I'm sure i don't no what you mean :confused: I'm a nice quite girl who never does anything embarassing :angel3: *runs and hides under...
For you i make special allowences :lol:
How about Mother Care or BHS?
Shouldn't that be the time you chased after Rob T........... :lol:
opps, next time think before you speak :lol: Good luck with your course though :D
Re: Neighbours... What you should do is put some really evil dirty twisted hard core/ hard house on and then sit back and let them go mental...
It's well annoying :evil: If it's an honest mistake and you get chatted up in a club and then you tell them you're seeing some one and they...
Koosh balls were mint. i loved them :D
No but i had shed loads of these.....
I like Japanese food we had some in Leeds on Sat I had some really nice deep fried praws in pastry :drool: But IMO you can't beat a nice lamb...
and this is a specil one apperently :confused: This site has all the really dodgy fads from over the yrs (think it's work safe) And as for pogs:
One of the best for me was Lab4 @ Tall trees!! I'd never seen them live before and they were banging, every one even the charvers were going...
Separate names with a comma.