scrap UK road pricing/tracking petition

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by trance_fan, Feb 19, 2007.

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  1. smigs

    smigs by the sword of dobber

    Nov 24, 2005
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    In a princess

    UMMMMMMMM its all adding up to the fact that the uk is slowly taking all rights away from people. I know the rest of europe is doing stuff aswell, but the no smoking ban, why cant they compromise and let a certain number of establishments apply for a liscene to allow smoking and have the rest as non smoking. Then as you mentioned ID cards totally bad idea, now there going to beable to see where you travel in your car, granted its not on your ankle and it wont make a difference to where you actually are but none the less it wont stop at the DVLA just using it. As for paying to fit a box to my car, I'd be well pissed off, I dont have a tom tom etc because I dont want a stupid box in my car, Theres a lot of people that modify cars for a hobby and spend alot of time doing them up (I doubt they would want one. I dont use it that much anyway's hence I would rather keep it garaged untill the idea got scrapped which I have no doubt will happen eventually!

    The point is they had a large number of signitures saying that people did'nt want it, but in the end their mind had already been made up! thats the point!

    And in the end its still tracking your own personal vehicle so in away it is and will be used for other reasons eventually.

    the police knock on the door, monday morning " hello mr smith, we have noticed you regulary use your vehicle on a sat and park it outside the local whorehouse" excellent! great idea! I'm gonna have to park it round the corner now and walk :D

    End of the day if they want to minimise road congestion why dont they raise the age to drive to 21 or somthing. Make the youngins get the bus or walk wich would cut down on childhood obesity :D

    Its just another money spinner for the goverment and everyone knows it!
  2. r3m1

    r3m1 Registered User

    Mar 3, 2003
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    squaredancing in a roundhouse ..
    Scruf, do you drive?
  3. Dan

    Dan Registered User

    Jan 2, 2007
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    What a load of crap.

    I dont really see the point in signing anything, the government do what they want, when they want. They dont give a fuck about us. Are they using this as an excuse to cut down on Global Warming/pollution?

    What a load of nonsense that is. The working class will pay yet again. If there so concerned why dont they stop us from using fuel altogether? Theres other alternatives. They are just pro-longing the inevitable. Global disaster! Oh no the corporate scum will suffer so we will never see the day.

    This country (and the world) needs a revolution.
  4. scruf

    scruf Registered User

    Oct 2, 2002
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    Islington, London
    I do but I collect the cash instead of the company car, partly because I have no real use for one..

    I think people are completely missing the point, this is not an additional tax, it's redressing flat rate car tax - you use it you pay for it - use it less - pay less.. simple. How is it so hard for people to grasp that the roads are the only free utility at point of use?

    the idea is to make reduce car dependence - which is ultimately bad for the environment, bad for health of the most disadvantaged social groups, bad in the eyes of the CBI and generally frustrating for commuters who are stuck in a traffic jam every day..
  5. scruf

    scruf Registered User

    Oct 2, 2002
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    Islington, London
    Why would they scrap it? It's been in operation in Singapore since 1975 and single handedly contributed to the construction and operation of the best rapid trasit system anywhere in the world.. it's got a proven track record.

    The government gave Edinburgh the choice to vote on congestion charging, due to party wrangling the pro team dissolved and the car-lobby won the right to carry on driving up the royal mile.. the project revenue would have been sufficent to construct 3 new tram lines, a refurbished train station and increased frequency of buses amongst other investments..

    Now Edinburgh is in gridlock and the car-lobbys are complaining the roads are gridlocked, air pollution is up, road accidents are up, businesses are complaining their takings are down and they all point the their finger at ineffective, underfunded public transport system in the city.. by now, the first tram line would have been in place..

    After this, the government and in time even the oppositon to the scheme stated that decisions on matters pertaining to such schemes could never again be trusted to the public.
  6. r3m1

    r3m1 Registered User

    Mar 3, 2003
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    squaredancing in a roundhouse ..
    And partly because?....

    Don't you think though that up to a point people already do pay for the use of the roads, albeit not per mile as the new system suggests, but based on the size/emmisions of their car? Insurance is also scaled depending on how many miles a year you cover although again it is only roughly dependant on time of day/ places travelled and only a small proportion is returned to the state.

    I wouldn't be against the idea of a system where you get charged per mile and do away with the yearly road tax. I just don't like the idea of potentially being tracked and slapped on the wrist everytime nanny decides it needs some more income. I would love to be able to remove the need of a car but unfortunately between being stuck in a traffic jam in a comfortable enviroment or stuck outside either next to a road or underground in a confined space sharing recyled air with a load of other people and have it costing me just as much if not more as private transport I know which one I'd take...
  7. scruf

    scruf Registered User

    Oct 2, 2002
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    Islington, London
    :lol: you're the problem..

    I don't think there's many places in the UK that aren't cheaper / quicker by train than by car..

    What do you use your car for that you couldn't possibly do otherwise? You live in Jesmond / Fenham I take it?
  8. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    So what does our flat rate car tax pay for then - considering half that money doesnt even get spent on the roads.

    Ive yet to see any reform of any system under this government that hasnt always meant that we PAY MORE TAX.

    ... Like any other blair era doublespeak policy - its easily parroted by the PC/Leftie masses as being a bad thing to contradict, but not everyone is young, free and single like us and has a choice over these things. Once again, hard working regular people will just get hit ONCE AGAIN for more money.
  9. r3m1

    r3m1 Registered User

    Mar 3, 2003
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    squaredancing in a roundhouse ..
    Haha sorry for having money ;)

    I have got from newcastle to home (near heathrow) in a quicker time than it wouldve taken to use public transport.. Besides if you count waiting time the are very few short distances that aren't faster by car than by public transport...

    Its not a case of not possibly being able to do it, its a case of being arsed to do it.. besides there isn't a bus route between my house and morrisons ;)

    Location wise neither actually.... ;)

    For the record I only do 20-30 odd miles a week atm and cycle into / around town for the rest of it.. Bring on more cycle lanes and less (polluting congesting overpriced) buses...
  10. psycaholic

    psycaholic Registered User

    Dec 24, 2005
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    just behind you he he

    as we figured out the other week i spend nearly £3.500 for the privilage of using my car with the scheme they're thinkin of putting in machester i'll have to pay £8 A DAY to travel to work so i have 260 working days a year minus 20 for holidays is 240 x £8 £1.920 on top of the £3.500 i allready pay !!!! fair FAIR! you have no fuckin idea what fair is! i need my car so i can pick my kids up after work, as for this amazing tram system you speak off in manchester that all my Tax and fuel duty is being spent on GUESS WHAT? thats what the manchester congestion charge is going to pay for cos it dosn't run anywhere near where i live !
    the government says businesses lose money while us workers are stuck in traffic well i have done my trip to work by train and it took a good half an hour longer than me sitting in that traffic and it cost me less. I PAY MY FAIR SHARE and what do i get inreturn fucked again
    i'm sick of us motorists being an easy fuckin target !!!!!!!!!!!!!

    BILLIONS of OUR money is being pissed away the PM said that a mile of motorway cost 30 MILLION fuck off thats prob because of all the sub contracts given out the fatcats take their cuts if you whittle it down and cut the fat out i bet you could do it for half that no worries
  11. scruf

    scruf Registered User

    Oct 2, 2002
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    Islington, London

    out of interest, you say you 'need' to pick your kids up by car - why?

    I take it they're too young to catch a bus home.. so I imagine they go to primary school, which living in a city with density such as Manchester won't be more than a mile away, which begs the question - why do you need to pick your kids up?

    work patterns haven't changed grossly in the last 30 years, so why now do you feel the need to pick your kids up by car? our parents survived quite well without?

    Car users in the UK make more short unessecary journeys than any other country in Europe - the rest of the continent don't use their cars, in some cases half as much, as the us.. and lone behold we also have the highest obesity levels in Europe, we are the 'worst place to grow up' do you really lack the capacity to correlate the two?

    You are the exact reason why appropriated road charging is coming in, selfishness.. if we all got what we wanted all the time the world would go into meltdown..
  12. psycaholic

    psycaholic Registered User

    Dec 24, 2005
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    just behind you he he
    no in fact it aint "a mile" i live in ashton which is 9.5 miles away my child minder (as my son is three not in school and my daughter is four in nursery) lives 3 miles from my house, to get public transport to take them to the child minder's then get to work on time, i would have to get three busses a train and a tram in total costing about £7.50 (day saver buss ticket and and ret train ticket)and taking about 1 hour 45 mins . then probs the same for getting home! so i finnish work half five get to my child minders for what 25 to 7 then home by 1/4 past 7 my kids will miss me eating out evening meal together and i'll have them bathed and in bed @ half 8 so for me being so social concious i will get to spend about 45 mins with my children , this would in no doub't hav a negative impact on my children and i'm sorry but i aint havin that

    in my car i can do it in half an hour/45 mins tops costing me about £4 in petrol there and back if that

    so yes i do NEED my car , what i dont need is some jumped up socialist bigot tellin me i HAVE to use public transport! i HAVE to pay per mile!! I HAVE to subsidise a transport network that have absolutly no benifit to me what so ever!!!!!!!! is this ok?
  13. scruf

    scruf Registered User

    Oct 2, 2002
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    Islington, London
    I don't believe much you say, and I don't believe much of that... 3 buses, a train and a tram for 9 miles :lol:

    the whole point is to reduce car dependancy so we move back into consoldidated communities where our needs are served locally and we don't need to travel by car..

    get a child minder closer to your house - move closer to work - take your kids to school closer to your house..

    these are all the primary objectives of the scheme and current planning policy..

    tell me what the benefits of having more and more cars on the road are?

    I'm not a socialist, far from it, I'm just more aware of the facts and the logic of it all, I deal with the legalities of it as a profession.. as for being bigotted? have you read what you're saying here?
  14. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    my boss lives in seghill - i'm sure you're aware of that place, just up the a19 a bit, not even as far as crammy. he would need 2 buses and then the metro to get the 6 or so miles to work. he's 55 so a bike ain't the answer. better buses would.
  15. Phil Mitchell

    Phil Mitchell check me a dollar brer?

    May 19, 2005
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    Scruff , loving your work in this thread :king:

    Anyway none of you ma fackers will have to worry about your car when trance_fan has singlehandedly killed the Earth
  16. scruf

    scruf Registered User

    Oct 2, 2002
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    Islington, London
    Nexus proposed the extension of the Metro / Trams through to Cramlington as part of Project Orpheus through that area but the car lobbies boycotted it..

    I just checked that journey out as it seemed a bit far fetched for a 6 mile journey..

    Journey from Seghill (Blake Arms) to Newcastle (city centre) City Hall
    on Thursday 22 February 2007, depart after 12:00

    Departure 11:54 11:55 12:26 12:54 12:55
    Arrival 12:29 12:49 12:59 13:29 13:49
    Travel Time 0:35 0:54 0:33 0:35 0:54
    Changes 0 1 0 0 1

    35 mins direct journey seems quite acceptable to me?

    I travel for an hour and get a tube an a train and I don't cry about it..
  17. Phil Mitchell

    Phil Mitchell check me a dollar brer?

    May 19, 2005
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  18. psycaholic

    psycaholic Registered User

    Dec 24, 2005
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    just behind you he he
    to be honest i couldn't give two fucks if you believe me or not , like you know where i live and how i would get to work

    what i do give a shit about is that i'm as are meny more average workin class people are gunna get shot in the pocket AGAIN! to subsidise somthin i wont use as it is no where near efficent enough for my needs

    why should i change my child minder ? i trust her and she's family

    and why on earth would i want to subject my kids to the horror of living in city center manchester
  19. scruf

    scruf Registered User

    Oct 2, 2002
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    Islington, London
    Your transport useage is a hundred times less efficient or sustainable than public transport, moving to somewhere with a direct service to the city centre and close to the local school isn't hard and far more efficient.

    As I just proved with Phil, most of this 'the transport system is crap' is unfounded bollocks in the most, people are just lazy/selfish. Also similar to the unfounded bollocks the pro-car lobbies are spouting about road pricing.

    Every other country in Europe has road pricing, then we hear how great their transport systems are off the likes of Brid, do the maths.

    Who said anything about living in the city centre? Live near a tram, it's cheaper than your car, faster than your car, less congesting than your car.. and 18 million other people manage it a year so why can't you?
  20. ManofScience

    ManofScience Guest

    i bet u failed your test :lol: :lol:

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