digital has the old ikon crew decided to make digital their new home? every time i go to the place now something happens, some prat was setting fireworks off in the queue on sat night
There always will be charvas but why let it get to you? Personally i dont notice many inside, the door staff do a good job of picking them out and telling them to go home but theres only so much they can do.
It has been getting like that for a while but i agree what dan is saying plus there money is as good as mine and yours.
there was a fair few of them on saturday night too, one kid upstairs went round trying to start a fight with everyone who brushed past him... 5 minutes later four huge-fuck-off doormen came up and took him out
Who was on sat, think they all went to gods got really excited and now think its like that every week fookin knobs settin fireworks off:evil: :evil:
the charvers need to mix with the masses somewhere or they'll be charvers forever by being in that club with them you too could make a difference to a charvers life
most of the charvs iv seen there wer like shit charvs, the ones who get bullied by the real ones! i usually take the piss out of them lol. do it in an intelligent way n theyll think your tryin to be a mate! tbh i usually get offered tabs off them. probs soaked in acid
I hope the boat doesnt close down like, theyll all be heading over if that happens! The bouncers on Digital are really good tho, hardly ever see them or any trouble inside.
Doesn't that make you as bad as a chav then?? The only trouble I have seen in Digital is from scarf wearing poser types having a cat fight....
obviously not mate. i dont jump around topless like a wanker, get smashed out ma face n start fights. and i agree, they think theyre summit special! argue over the longest scarf then slap each other!
When you put it like that then mate I would agree! Haha! I was there on Saturday and it was a great night but we did hear a firework go off outside and saw quite a lot of chav looking types been turned away... Once I got inside I didn't see any chavs - although I was a bit on the messy side of things....