does anybody know? i wanna make my mp3 music cds better by mixing them rather than them stopping after every song so i want a name ov a good programme that does that but also gets bpm spot on(ish) by itself i normally use traktor which is mint but it crashes my computer :evil: so any help would be appriciated ta!
theres a setting in winamp that u can change that lets winamp order the tunes in order of bpm... dont know how gud it is like.. .. where do u get trakter from?
Ther are a few mp3 mixers available but you need a couple of sound cards (one for each channel), a analog sound mixer and a digital recording unit (minidisk etc) aswell to do what you want to do. Am i wrong peeps???
to mix mp3's your right. but I think he wants to play tunes continously (but mixed) PC DJ should do this it matches bpm's and attempts to mix them.... although in my experience all bpm mixers are shite
your not... but karl is just looking for somesoftware to do it all i think i dont really know much about mp3 mixing tho....
yeah i heard that just wanna do it a bit basic but not 2 bad that traktor is quite good at matching beats itself wanted sum programme similar 2 that, but cheers weird al =- ill have 2 look into that
Karl ask Marty what he used to mix his and stews competition set's together for that CD they made. That seemed pretty easy to use.