Hotmail emails... is anyone gettin emails from address with attatchments of 318k?...... i get like 12 a day.... fookin annoys me a lil :evil: anyone else have this problem.. and is there a cream or lotion i can buy 2 help?!
i got told they were viruses? i always delete them straight away anyway... they're a right pain in the arse
yeh its a virus.... copys ur address book and 4wrds itself on2 everyone in urs.. then theres.. then there theres and then it gest 2 me.... 12 times a day... :evil:
ive used my junk mail option.... banned em.. blocked em... kicked em in the shin.. and then poked em in the eye.... but they still keep coming.... its from peoples address' i know as well.. so cant really block em completely or i wudnt get any from them... :spangled: personally..... .. i think its hotmail.. sending out these massive emails... filling up ur inbox... so a few hundred soppy tarts will buy that £20 extra storage... BILL GATES - CUNT (but fookin clever )
Yep.. there's a few e-mail viruses been going round recently.. biggest culprit is one which says 'Joke screensaver to enjoy' or one of its varients. Easy enough to spot at 32k.
Yeah, I get them too. They're so annoying. What I've noticed tho is that all the one's that I get sent are from addresses that are similar to the one's I have in my address book but are not exactly the same. Over the past couple of months, Hotmail has become a nightmare for junk email.
Used to get loads in me junk mail but now not so many - seem to have a canny few in my inbox at the min! :evil: Grrrrrrrr!
ive just had a nasty virus cus my outlook express downloads attachments straight away without asking me i wud run an anti virus thingy if i were u just incase cus it wont stop until the infected person clears it up....and u cant tell who it is sumtimes cus it sends emails to people from their address people in their address book
yep there definitely viruses.. i get them off comes from the same email address as mine.. weird i get bout 10 a really does my head in
Virii Hotmail scans your email for virii on receipt. If it contains one you are notified. More often that not, such emails are just chain letters. Spam filters will work in many situations but from a domain like you can't block it without an alias, heh If you are taking all messages to your computer with Outlook or another client a virus will only act when executed. If it is HTML based it may run on preview etc. Outlook and IE did have a hole allowing items to be ran instantly without you knowing even with anti-virus software. If you have the update it will help protect you in this sense. Many weaknesses can be exploited, too many to speak of. Anywho, laters.