Binge Drinking Chart - Guess who's top?!?! Doesn't offer anything anyone's probably that surprised at, but some interesting statistics nonetheless "And Shadow home secretary David Davis added: "This alarming research shows why it was wrong of the government to unleash 24-hour drinking on all our towns and cities without a proper assessment of the consequences."" Utter bullshit, given the fella who run the study was on the radio this morning saying it was impossible to tell if 24 hour drinking had had an affect!! Unlike the Tories to have a sly snipe...
yeah its definately nothing to be proud of really... A city full of over weight pissed up charvers isnt very welcoming is it...
i hate how they always show pics of people twatted on the floor/throwing up next to BINGE DRINKING headlines when they define binge drinking as anything over 2-4 pints. who the fuck is like that after 4 pints?? yet they are classed as an evil binge drinker!! imo you can drink responsably and have more than 4 pints. the media doesn't seem to agree.
of course you can have more than four infact everyone knows five and drive is the best way joes going on about media bias toward lebanon in but i think there is a huge media bias from our own press against the north of england and some mongs on this board as well . not all of the northeners are uneducated , drunken , chavs , therse only a small minority that gives the rest of us a bad name .