Starsigns I never really beleive these but my mum has got a big book which she swears by so last night I read up what my supposed personality is .... "Aries are almost as vain as they are brave. They love to be popular and the centre of attention. They also spend a lot of time on their appearance" It also says that Im very gullable, can be easily seduced by compliments which are of the most gross and obvious kind but I dont realise. It also says I confuse people who are true friends or just hang round with me for the none stop party and Im very dissapointed when let down by friends. i hate to admit I think a lot of its true although Im not asure bout none stop party thing. Has any1 else read theirs? Also...Nikki from big bro has same star sign as me
It says scorpio can be verydetermined and strong willed but can also be very awkward...once commited to something they are very faithful although can be very melodramatic...they are usually very energetic and want the most out of life ermmm... You are a very very bad loser apparently and hate false modesty? you love to impress and shock people by dramatic and unexpected action and you can be violently jealous in a relationship LOL Theres about 5 pages but its hard for me to pick out points which I think might be like you?
Very good. Nah, totally wrong, i like total fairness in competition My lass would get a slap if she cheated (and it wasnt my fault) but i wouldn't beat her up or anything extreme like that
I'm a pisces and I think I'm pretty true to my starsign in a lot of ways- I am gullible, emotional, intuitive and can be easily led.... however it also says that I am bad with money and really flakey which I don't think I am at all. Not sure whether I do believe in it, as I can read any starsign and bits of it sound like me!
I'm a taurus. Does it say in your big book that taureans are generally cool as fuck, clever and witty?
Lol it says that you rely upon stability and security in relationships and finances.. it says you can be very persistant which usually reflects on your steady progress through life especially career. Erm says you have a lack of flexibility and even though you look calm and collected sometimes you aren't you just know how to hide it... They fight their enemies until the bitter end and you are deeply revoulted by ugliness LOL ermm and you are very sociable and make a good host... Does that sound like you?