KUBIK - June 16th - Carling Academy Liverpool!!! Hey all After an incredibly successful May event with Fred Baker we come back to Liverpool's premier venue, The Carling Academy on Friday June 16th. Having played virtually every Kubik event since we started, your headliner for June, resident Paul Bowman has consistently delivered blisteringly high energy trance sets that have left the Kubik crowd always wanting more. Combined with great enthusiasm behind the decks, getting right into the spirit of the night, Paul Bowman really has helped to establish the sound of Kubik we all love. Supported by a host of rising talent including Gav Collins & Dan 3, also resident Chris Pollock who will all help structure the night taking the crowd higher and higher, this is a sure fire event to blow you away. As always JagDeep will deliver the dirty house to warm up you nicely. Come on all, get down to it! There is only one thing left to say now and that is... HEADS DOWN... LET'S AV IT!!! PAUL BOWMAN CHRIS POLLOCK GAV COLLINS DAN 3 JAGDEEP 10PM-4AM ENTRY £7 OTD OFFICIAL PRE PARTY @ THE DUGOUT!!!
Alright people less than a week to go before summer really gets a kick start! Kubik is fast becoming THE monthly night to go and stomp to. Come down early to check out my electro house and funky techno beats before the main course of trance and culminating with Resident Paul Bowman bring you to your knees! This is gonna get filthy!
Got any brown ale la?! only kidding we're not all scousers, we're quite nice people not sure about ibizalplate, she's a bit nuttz!
Yeh come on guys chill with the still. No need for this hostility. In fairness Kubik dont get that many scousers at the event even tho it's in liverpool. The main crowd is of people who have travelled from manc, brum, leeds, an further down south. So all you guys from the North East should try an make it down
havent actually spoke to Jag proper mate! Im not that nuts hun :groovy: yeah noticed people come from far an wide for kubik, must be the magic!
yeah sorry about that, just trying to generate some banter! will meet you propa on friday mate! Backing up chris, we are getting clubbers from far a field and it all adds to the mix
Slowly gettin round to meetin everyone! started comin to kubik in december an never looked back! everyone is welcome, an the atmosphere is always buzzin!
Only a few days left now people. This Friday Kubik is back at the Academy. Hope to see ya's all there. Come see why we've been voted Best Small Club of the Year
What up people! get your rest in today and don't work hard tomorrow. for tomorrow night the mayhem begins! HA Ha Ha!