Cat's Bollox My kitten is just three months but has started to go outside through the older cat's catflap. What is the youngest kittens can get their bits removed? I thought it was six months, but I don't want the poor little un getting lurgies off scabby alley cats.
let the little gent sew his oats, be proud of his conquests, if its safe sex your concerned about get him some little condoms
get him some kitty condoms also everytime he goes out put butter on his paws, to make sure he comes back
Try it but stickytape on the side of the cat too. I'm not sure what it does but cookee said its really funny
my sister used to call her cat dasheke(sp) from dont be a menace as her cat was good to the toms ,think it had 5 litters all 3 or more
haha i do that to my youngest ,its quite funny trying to watch them get it off also shine a torch on the wall aswell
Jane, is it a big cat? Can you see his bollocks hanging?? Eurgh, thats disgusting. It tends to be 6mths, but if they're ready to be chopped I think they do it earlier if needed. Why dont you give the vet a call and ask?
Home made vasectimy time ! in cat terms this means you need a vice and a small sharpend toffe hammer ! Take your cat to the vets mong unit you dont need to let them grow to 6 months . Theyl take them in and your cat will melow out for a while and then hate you for cutting his manhood and so pee in every single shoe or trainer you own .... for a bit of revenge !
Mine were done at 3 months, perfect time, any later and they start spraying everywhere and shagging anything that moves! Plus they stay a bit kitteny! But mine have got small heads