any1 any good at........ ..........hairdressin?? i want me hair redoin n i cant afford to pay £60+ for it at the hairdressers can any of u girlies dye hair???
I get mine done by my mums fried coloured cut etc for £17 she gets all the stuff pretty cheap coz she's a hairdresser & doesn’t charge much if she does your hair at her home. She only work from home on a Thurs though - & its Hartlepool - so that’s probably not much help is it?
Speak to Fizz. Cant remember her name, but he'll know who I'm talking about. Is it Laura? The girl from Blyth?? Bakie's ex?
he did a good job tho! better than my terible attempt @ tramlines, which left me looking like id been in a fight with a lawnmower....
nah dexta u aint seen jambons mop at the moment.. its a total mess i think! bit of a bowl i think heh!