the countdown begins!!! 8 weeks to go till gielen!! i really think this could be the one night where promise finally get's it's breakthrough like!!
Re: the countdown begins!!! tis a shame aload of us are already booked for tidy then init n are gunna miss it
weekend of HH (wiv bits of class hard trance thrown in) wiv messy messy messy people, or a class nite in a cosy venue wiv class music. know which 1 id go 4. (money prob has summin 2 do wiv it aswell.
tidy is chocka of hard trance DJ's though...fookin wikid line up! still a bit gutted bout missin gielen but nevermind!
akkkk ex gutted bout missing gielen!!! he is the lord of trance for sure!!! but tidy is too good to miss to be fair!! SHOKK!!!! ahhhh
shit just realised that we miss mr johan for the tidy weekender... bummer... or maybe not considering whos on: scot project shokk riot brothers eddie halliwell yoji biomehanika signum marco v... to name but a few! gonna be mint!
johan gielen?? mr airscape int he...... most excellent. *what date he on??? better not be the same as the tribal weekendr........... hmmmmmm :spangled: :spangled:
TIDY...TIDY...TIDY...TIDY...TIDY...TIDY...TIDY...TIDY...TIDY...TIDY...TIDY...TIDY...TIDY...TIDY...TIDY...TIDY...TIDY...TIDY...TIDY...TIDY...TIDY...TIDY...TIDY...TIDY...TIDY...TIDY...TIDY...TIDY...TIDY...TIDY...TIDY...TIDY...TIDY...TIDY... BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :groovy:
Not long to go now! Ive wanted to see Gielen for ages now, was gutted I couldnt go to Global Gathering What are Signum like? Heard mixed things about them