UFC isn't mindless violence. Boxing however is. Like Buckley says, the majority of UFC fighters are intelligent. If you ask me anyone who criticises UFC for being overly violent/dangerous and for mindless thugs, but has no problem with boxing is talking out of their arse. For anyone who doesn't like any kind of real fighting then fair enough
Did you even read what i said ? clearly not ! I didnt say i had no problem with boxing ! you missd the point and are clearly trying to raise a bite out of me so run along and find someone of your clearly higher intelligence !
My comment wasn't aimed at you m8.. Usually the argument people use for UFC being a really nasty sport is that it's far too violent and dangerous whereas in reality boxing is far worse but because you only ever see boxers punching at each other with boxing gloves on, UFC is percieved to be a total bloodsport full of violent goons. I was just stating a fact really and I'm not arguing against what you said.
I#ve got my tickets aswell Funniest thing on TV ! Been to a load of live WWF/E Events like ... http://www.geordiegabbamafia.org/WeekendReports/2004-05-18_WWE.htm http://www.geordiegabbamafia.org/WeekendReports/2003-07-06_WWE.htm http://www.geordiegabbamafia.org/WeekendReports/2001-05-05_NorthWWF.htm http://www.geordiegabbamafia.org/WeekendReports/2001-11-03_Res_WWF.htm
Me and the boys went to the Wrestle Mania Revenge tour the other year - what a laugh ( i was fuelled by vodka, redbull and weed)!!! Got some cool videos - Rey doing the 619 and both of Eddie's frogspalshes at the end! Also Eddie and Cena chatting to the crowd at the end - class acts! i should host them somewhere....
In year 9 we used to make the classroom into a wrestling ring every lunch time I was the tag team champion (well one of) until i was low blowed and quick pinned