A little confused why you got grumpy and moved my thread into the music forum when - "Layo & Bushwacka" "Old School Tunes" "Waxn/Shindig NYE" "What DJ's do you want to see in the NE?" etc etc Are all allowed here? I'm afraid to say you've made me just a little resentful towards you and your little kitty and of course feel oh-so-naughty
Why are you winging about me moving a thread named psy trance to *GASP* SHOCK HORROR THE MUSIC FORUM! I will move the old school tunes one there too but all the other ones aren't specifically about a genre of music better luck next time
You're right if course - It's vital that this country is ruled with a firm hand - & the mean streets of our cities must be policed by a strong and well merciless force. Just as society as we know it would collapse without this strong leadership, control & infrastructure, so too, would message boards.
Yes Im glad you are starting to understand I have the power on here therefore you must obey what I say. Hey, if you see me out I might even let you kiss my shoe! Oh yes you will be at a psy trance night...therefore you will never have the pleasure!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Psy Trance After I already moved a thread he made called PSY TRANCE! He decided to start another one/fao after putting a music one in the banter forum! ANARCHY
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Psy Trance he sure is a CrAzY kid Rob - make some sort of sin bin, call it the GIMP forum and anyone who steps out of line gets whacked straight in.
East coast trance is the way forward! There is some guy DJ ADUAL, plays live in Kabul bimonthly! Shizzel
this whole psy trance bollocks interests me about as much as having mike tyson nibble affectionately on my ear.