Skype Does anyone use this? Its fookin free, and god bless anything that is free. At Nothumbria Uni today they were giving out skype kits, whole headset (RRP £4.99) with 30min Skype Out credit cards, and an installation CD in case you hadn't got one yet. Bonza. I would use it to ring people on the PC but I have no friends who have it. Check out the 2 Geeks in the Library today Jeffery: Ha, Todd, ill tell you what when I get in I'll go straight on MSN, and we can chat while we are setting up skype, then we will set it up and call each other Todd: Yah, that would be brilliant Jeffrey! Jeffery: Ok talk to you soon Todd! (names have been changed for comedy effect of geekage)
Re: Skype Sorry to piss on ya parade but I'm pretty sure you can do this on MSN.. although I don't know if it allows 2 microphones to be used at the same time.. Plus with the addition of a webcam you can hace video calls. I'm not 100% sure like.. WHats the crack with having to have credit to use it though..
It's decent, it's been around a fair while now just seems to be getting much more marketed lately! Good idea though, call someones PC for free and landline calls anywhere in the world are charged at your local rate.
a program that lets you talk to people for free over the net, or for a local rate to anywhere in the world. An internet phone, basically
We install Voice over IP telephone systems at work, but they're on a different level.. similar principle but you can have one telephone number on one system dishing out calls to loads of sites, over the internet. This also means that someone sitting at their desk in newcastle can call a colleague who works in Scotland by dialling an extension number like an internal call and have a high quality conversation without the call appearing on their telephone bill. Send text messages to your colleage's phone in Scotland! ^my sales pitch.
I think the craze of "softphones" is short lived. Skype is getting a lot of media hype at the moment, and too much in my opinion. As soon as the majority of the country's existing telecoms infrastructure is based on IP, programs like this will be worthless. I have heard of good and bad skype days depending on the busyness of the system. Proper Quality of Service is impossible when it is potentially being used by people using GPRS modems on the move and losing coverage and people downloading at the same time on crap connections. With internal phone systems on a LAN you can garuntee things like this. The benefits are no different than NTL customers calling other NTL customers for free, although with skype you get no premium rate, no emergency services, no directory inquiries. The future is definitely VoIP and it is happening, but not with skype. Nothing to see here move along.
I get free national calls anyway. Don't phone international. I can't phoe mobiles from my house phone though so can i do this for free with skype? And does the person answering the call have to use their gprs connection? (will this cost them?)
! no calls to landlines and mobile you have to pay for which is why you buy credit. The benefits of skype over NTL are very different as in most cases you dont have to spend a penny, and neither do the people who you are calling. The other thing, if it does all go tits up - so what? You havent spent a penny! Too much negativity on this board like. Honestly, just love yourself and the world will love you back
PC has to be on to use it. you can dial normal numbers, but it's not free. You can now get 'skype' telephones that plug into your USB to act like a normal phone. Good for office use, if there's not other VOIP in place and the people u get intouch with all have it.