Best pantomine dame i've seen! OKEY COKEY. *edit- also, i nearly drowned during 'it's raining pens' due to drinking my beer whilst laughing too much!
Friday - Drank too much, played at my night, drank LOADS more Saturday - carried on drinking and walked into town in the morning to get the new Lee Evans DVD pissed out of my head Sunday - Didnt dare move out of bed
Friday went to the pics with my dad to watch Harry Potter then had a chinese. Stephen came round for a few hours and we watched Coldplay on Jonathan Ross :wub: Saturday, I didnt even get ready til 6pm Went out for a meal and a drink with Fran and Claire on the night. Sunday, went shopping in Jarra went to the pics to see Kepping Mum then home for a pizza and chips Been a total fat c*nt this weekend like
thursday-wetherspoons for some seriously good banter, then the almighty chems friday-session in mine, bed time was roughly 6am saturday-DIGital sunday-collective exhaustion an lack of food kicked in at about 3pm, jus sahking it off now
I love vodka, but I can loads of it and it doesnt get me pissed ..... wine on the other hand, game over
Im getting my car this week ... its going to be very strange at the weekend not being able to drink @ my gig
I've learned this lesson already... I pretty much stopped drinking heavily 3 years ago.. Its soooo good to be able to stand up the morning after a night out and not fall over/feel sick/pass out.. Plus.. its cheaper cos u don't have to get a taxi I still drink occasionally.. such as the last promise and I'm gonna drink on the boat. But generally I very rarely drink now.. As for my weekend.. Fri - Painting @ my flat then stayed in doin college work.. Sat - Painting @ my flat then stayed in doin college work.. Sun - Done college work all day then slept at the gfs on the night.. Rivetting eh.. seriously I was almost wetting myself it was that good a weekend