Can't sleep!!! I've been trying to get to sleep for the past two hours, but thanks to a mind full of fairy piss i'm finding it hard to do. Anbody got any good suggestions for helping me get to the land of nod? I know for a start this cup of tea and a tab won't help... I can't go down the herbal route (and I don't mean the tea ) 'cos i ain't got none EDIT *waits for floods of replies then realises there's only one other board member logged in*
Believe it or not but sitting playing on the internet wont help you sleep. Go to bed and close your eyes.
In one way it does with the eye strain and the like. Went back to bed at 3am and dozed off nicely, only to be rudely awoken by my alarm to remind me to go online to get Take That tickets. (NB: they weren't for me!! Honest ) Didn't get any like