Freaks!! Anyone watching the freaks on wife swap???? What fruitloop has 7 kids and have them all sleep in the same room as her and her husband???? Live in a motor home 5 nights a week when they have a house???? AND do secuirty and record checks using the registration plates of their neighbours??? TOTAL NUTTER!!!AND none of them are allowed to go anywhere on their own, not even outside the house!!!
me too, but thats really freaky, and she doesnt let the kids go out of her sight!!! they must gang round while she has a shite
Its sick man, lol some people are jst weirdos that are self obssesed control freaks, how way man you have to let your kids go out and play at least further than 5metres from the front door :wtf:
It was five feet, which is even less!! They were both shite like, totally fucked up in diff ways. The American one is far funnier than ours