losing your erection. apparently there's an area of your body which can be touched (somewhere stupid like the back of your neck) which girls who give massages touch or squeeze to instantly get rid of your stiffy - does anyone know where this is?
Would be well useful for the following moments Coming to your stop on thie bus and getting a random wanga When your gay boss asks you to come over to your desk straight after a daydream about the office hottie When you are a teenager and wont get out of bed and your mum comes in your room and pulls off your duvet cover
hahahaha, that happened to me once, i grabbed the cover just in time and shouted FUCK OFF.. she might have figured out the problem
nurses squeeze a point on the top of your penis to make it go, so they can give bed baths without embarrassment
on your dick??? thats stupid.. we need a new button somewhere that doesnt look obvious. if im being looked after when i'm grey and old i dont want some young nurse squeezing my.. actually yes.. yes i do want some young nurse squeezing my willy.
well i don't know. Apparently if you press the point on your penis just before you cum then it prevents it but you still get the sensation also like having a multiple orgasm for men. Quite tricky to do i believe as concentration might not be the best at the crucial point. Learn to control your pelvic floor muscle too, it helps you to control yourslef better! There probably is some pressure point somewhere else though as the way your body is wired up is amazing!