christmas presents for boys!! probs not really goin on the right place to discuss what to get my boyfriend seen as he comes on here now and again lol but what do u get the boy who has everything..?!?! thought about paying for a weekend away but think we're just gonna do that in feb anyway and i know he wants a present...clothes and shoes etc are a no no cos he has far too many and spends loads on clothes and only wears things once or twice.. hes got an ipod, playstation etc etc, getting a watch already and im just so damn stuck!! any ideas boys or girls..?!?! please help meeeeee!! xxx
ha wishful thinking...would love to buy him a car never really been bothered about winning the lottery but think it would be rather nice if i did just b4 xmas this year!!
yeah s'pose sunglasses are a good idea its just that it seems such a long time away till he'll be able to wear them... ahhh a 3some lol!! i'm sure he'd just love me to invite some sexy boy to enjoy our bedroom fun and games xxx
Scarf (not a shit one, a really nice one. Cant beat a good scarf) Trainers Skin supplies (clinique is good) Slippers Dressing Gown After shave Bottle of JD Ring Watch DVDs CDs Ice Cream Maker Records Record vouchers Meal at a good restaraunt New Record Bag (a bling one. Maharishi do one with kevlar corners, water proof, built in mirror + razor. mint) Wash Bag (see above) Cook Book Popcorn maker
you could get him one of those "extreme days out" or something made for people that have everything, like a day rally racing etc you can search for them online but also boots do some. there are some really good sounding ones too but it depeds how much you want to pay etc etc