Dunno lol Ask in your local petstore, if they don't exist i'm gonna design and patent the idea for sure I'd imagine they do though coz when animals have stitches etc they give you a sock like thing to stop them scratching. Just use 2 of those on front paws
Cat socks?? Are you people for real?? :rofl: You not think a cat will do anything in its power to get them off?!
My staffordshire bull terrier suffers from echsma (spelling). I have to get him to wear them once i notice him scratching so he doesnt tear himself apart. I'm gonna draw up a business plan now though
Well ok going back years ago when the dog bit the cat which required stitches the cat had to wear one to he didnt open the wound. I was just generallising everyday use for my idea so I used the dog as an example smart arse!
Well I did try for a spy in the Arena queue but you had a jacket on, bloody cheek of it eh that wasnt intended to be a pun btw
Naah dont recall seeing ya after that point. It was alright, nothing special. The afterparty and afterparty's afterparty was better than the arena itself musicly and banterwise.
get a bengal tiger cat really intelligent cats, that act like dogs at times. they follow u round all the time, always want to sit on ur lap. They will even play fetch with you i've got a black and grey striped one whos about a year old and he's immense
can be quite pricey unfortunately, the ones with the best markings can be upwards of £2k! but we got ours for £200 which wasnt too bad but i guess is still a lot of money for a cat. attached a pic of mine when he was a kitten