Oh yeah, its that FRIDAY FEELIN! Feeling in a FANDANGO MOOD today!! Finally got my medical back off the doc... Just had a scan of my sisters wee bambino.... :angel: and... ITS FRIDAY PEOPLE!!! YEAH!
Re: Oh yeah, its that FRIDAY FEELIN! So he actually got that back to you on time - Or did you get the bottle to go along with a mystery "illness"?
Awww yay I'm so glad it's Friday. I've got absolutely nothing planned all weekend and I'm really looking forward to it.
Re: Re: Oh yeah, its that FRIDAY FEELIN! I was passing the surgery and thought i'd ask face-to-face rather than over the phone, failing that i'd make an appontment! Just as it happens the scary receptionist gave it to me all filled in
I'm soo pleased it's the weekend!! And I'm going back home for a bit, can't wait to see everyone down there! I'm knackered today and i have far too much work to do