Is it me or do some people bullshit about taking drugs? Surely some people exaggerate what they have taken, maybe in an attempt to excuse how wankered they were, or how much of a tit they acted. Im saying this because my girlfriend went to godskitchen with her workmates (its really not my lasses scene, she aint seen anyone wrecked on drugs prior to saturday) One of the lasses was ranting on about how "mint" it was and how she had taken "10 pills, and a quarter of coke" This sounded to me like a load of crap, simply because after working it out (from my other thread ) a quarter would cost a fookin fortune. This isnt the only time ive heard people talk like this. Surely they must think we are all stupid? I know people go excessive (ive done it myself) but with something as costly as coke surely its just bullshit. A charver at work used to brag like this, thinking it was cool to take as many e's at the monkey as possible. Anyone heard what sounds like bollocks being spouted from these "hardcore raver" ppl?
Some people talk bullshit about everything, next your mate will be logged on her midweek claiming she's drank 2 bottles of wine before 8 o'clock. :yawn:
Yes people do exaggerate how much theyve had but people also say theyve had less than they have so that theyre not known as a "wreckhead".If i am particularly wankered I sometimes think I've had less/more than I have due to memory loss lol
Re: Is it me or do some people bullshit about taking drugs? Did she not mean a quarter gram and as opposed to a quarter ounce?
Re: Re: Is it me or do some people bullshit about taking drugs? maybe so mate, might just have wrong end of stick. from experience people buy grammes and take pretty much the full thing, none of my mates would take a quarter gram. Sounds a bit specific for a small amount. the lass is a bit of a nugget tho to be honest. After my lass was telling her that i was tripping off the pills she said that tripping off them is really bad and i must have been given dodgy stuff. Bah!, the mini e trips are the fun bit.
Re: Re: Is it me or do some people bullshit about taking drugs? quarter of a gram is nothing to be proud of, mind you neither is 10 pills
I used to think my friends exagerrated the amount of drugs my friends took until I saw the amount of ket they put away on Sunday morning. Wrongness! And yeah I get that sunspot thing on pills too.
Re: Is it me or do some people bullshit about taking drugs? you should of slapped her and told her to stop being such a lightweight.
Re: Is it me or do some people bullshit about taking drugs? that would have lasted her until about 8am with us at the weekend like
Re: Is it me or do some people bullshit about taking drugs? our blackpool shoppin list last year,,,between 3 of us didn t make the place look any better like
kids always have and always will do - it's the way of the world! i better everyones done it sometime, even with booze when u were younger. errm... i mean... well, in your formative years of street corner drinking "i necked 3 cans of special brew an all - AND i still finished off mi bottle of thunderbirds blue"
i had a coloured 4 leaf clover shaped sunspot during gods for a few minutes. evenerywhere i looked it was there. thought i was trippin at first.