Powergen I don't really understand all the rubbish with this shitty company but my mum just got a bill off them and it says our bill is like 1113 quid and like obviously we haven't spent that!! My mum is really down because she has a feeling shes going to have to pay it Powergen grrr:evil:
Re: Powergen It's normally because they usually estimate your bill and then when they come out and do a emter reading they realise they havn't charged enough for what you've used so charge you it all in one go. Best thing is to ring them each month with a meter reading
she's won't!!! The meter won't have been read, pgen will just have estimated the bill! Tell your ma to read the meter herself and call them! You'll probs find they will send a new bill out sharpish. what was the bill for gas or electric ?
No theyve came out to read it or something I don't understand its for electric...she said they made her climb in the cupboard to read it or something? Its too grown up for me...she said they took 3 readings and all of them are completely different or something so they just made it that?
i would ask powergen to come out and check the meter, it may be faulty! over a grand for a quarterly bill is crazy talk! on average ppl use about £250 - £400 a YEAR! tell ya mam to switch to npower
£1113 is a bit of a shitter like! They probs stuck an extra one on by accident or something, more than likely a mistake
this could be possible if ya mam pays direct debit, the starting payments are normally set up by the company! Say ya mam has been paying £40 a month combined gas & electric and she has been using £60 - £70 the money all adds up! i don't think she'll have to pay a lump sum! She could just up her monthly payments to cover the debt
Yeah she does pay direct debit but this is just electricty not gas...they rang my mum and asked her to check the metre and thats what they r going off but she went you can't go off my reasding I know nothing about that stuff...she said if they are going to make an estimation every month its their responsiblity to get someone to come and check it all the time because its not fair giving her all that money to pay before christmas
Like I said above it's best to read the meter every month or something, you can jsut phone a freephone number with Powergen or enter it online if you're registered, that way even if you pay by direct debit, the charges are based on what you use not estimations so your account is adjusted as necessary and if need be the monthly payments change The same happened to us at our student house in Manchester
Yeah you do cos they just say that you've been using more electricity than you've been paying for. I paid ours straight off, but I'm sure they'll just add extra onto her monthly payment instead because with Powergen you just have an account balance which over a few months will decrease if she pays off more a month
What a load of rubbish has been said in this thread, of course you dont HAVE to pay it - i know people who run a three bedroom house with a family of 4 people with the dad working from home .... who pays 50 quid a month. I live in a 4 person house and our monthly bill for electric is 28 quid a month. Anyways, the point is that companies sometimes do, and will screw up occasionaly.... case in point - last christmas i got a bill for 1600 quid for a single person living in a one bedroom flat....and thats being in the house maybe 3 hours a night before turning everything off and going to bed. Call them up, explain theres a mistake and that they will need to send someone around to confirm things. And you dont HAVE to pay these bills straight aways anyway, they might try for 3-4 months to get money off you before they even try to get serious, and even then all they do is pass them onto a debt recovery agency which just try and ask for the same amount, with a charge on top and some idle threats. Its not the end of the world yet.
It is unlikely they have underestimated you by this much in a year (they have a legal obligation to read the meter annually). Get the meter read properly, and if the bill is still this high, check on things like when the last proper meter reading was done etc. If it was within the last year, get the meter checked for accuracy. To be honest it just sounds like your mum read the meter wrongly.
I got a huge bill when I took my flat over as the previous tennant submitted a meter reading well below his useage. When I got my first bill, it was about £400 too much. Rang them up to explain problem and was all sorted quickly. Paid only what I owed in the end. Don't go with NPower, they're crap! I was £250 in credit with my electric but owed them £30 for gas, instead of taking one from the other (I was a duel fuel customer so having separate cash for each appeared stupid in the first place), they sent me a letter saying they were increasing my monthly payments to cover the gas balance! I've since bought a house and moved suppliers but NPower keep trying to change my supply back without my permission. I've had a few "Sorry you're leaving" letters from my supplier and similar "Welcome to NPower" letters from them even though I've not asked for it! The cheeky sods had even set up direct debits using details from my old account, I only found out when I looked on my internet banking and caught them before the cash went out! You've also got the recourse to get the energy watchdog involved to investigate your complaint if you get no joy from Powergen. They'll give you the number if they can't resolve the problem.
brid speaking all the sense yet again. same thing happened to me at uni we got a bill for £850 for two weeks electricity they were suggestin the meter had gone from 61858 round to 99999 and come back to 52858.. i suggested that maybe the meter had been read wrong and that it was actually starting at 5#### and the penny eventually dropped. call centre monkeys without a clue boil my blood, you have to ring 3 or 4 times before you actually get through to someone who knows how to do their job.
like a said b4! The bill is more than likely wrong! But if it is the case that over whatever time period this amount has build up - which does happen - then the money WILL have to be paid! Althought, for it to be over a grand it would have to have been built up a long period! Tell ya mam to read the meter again and ring it in!
get a key meter less hassle by far let someone guess my bill and then take whatever they like by DD? errrrrrr fuck that