Most people I spoke to @ the arena are coming along Looks like it's gonna be a good night Got some amazing new tracks to play and some Spectorfied edits
anyone know how worldies has been doing lately on a weekend?... when gershwins opens theres going to be a lot of those small to medium sized venues around... Im intrigued by what sound system they are going to get to make it the best in town...not saying it cant be done as it most certainly can, but it will take a LOT of wedge....and top digital
a kid who shops in here is the bar manager at WHQ, says its been doing OK. Its got a pretty hardcore Newcastle uni student following....
shouldn't be too difficult to do better than digital's sound system, funktion 1 is overrated in my opinion, I'm not saying it's not good, obvioucly it is very good, but not the best. Get a d&b rig in a club c7/c4sub/b2infra, to me that sounds much better than f1 dance stacks. GAE also make some rigs that have a great 'dance' sound, but I can't compare them fairly as I've only heard them in quite different sounding venues. While we're on the subject does anyone else think that upstairs in digital sounds better than downstairs?
I think the whole place sounds awesome mate. It's been getting good reviews by all the main dance industry mags and has been compared to Fabrics soundsystem by one mag in particular. I agree with Scoobzs' point before too. "It will take a LOT of wedge....and top digital"
it was hilarious on Friday: good night, full of middle class white students and the dj kept playing songs about black freedom and extended speeches from Martin Luther King etc... lots of confused faces and a very over excited dj waving around a book about African Art.