Diy Taken a week off work to sand the woden floors of the new gaff its looking mint but i wish i paid someone to do it, HOW MUCH HARD wORK, will feel good when i get the wax and varnish down knowing i did it myself but i could of used this week to do fook all
Re: Diy i av'e got a wooden floor like put it down thinking i was gona stain it within one week of doing so, a year later with all the house party's so pulled up every one bought a belt sander and got to work. there was 37 boards and each one was averaging about 15 miniutes to get perfect from roughest grade to smoothest was happy as larry when it was done like there's a yellow powder you can buy to stain the boards (apart from your main stainer colour) and it brings out all the grain with a warm golden colour also for your final coat use ronseals dimond hard floor vanish which is clear can be bought in a gloss or silk finish the shine is lovely and it's for use on the highest traffic areas just a few pointers you might find helpfull
I've just had my central heating done and extended and completely renovated my bathroom. When we move onto the kitchen I'm paying someone to do the whole thing so when all the problems start appearing I don't have to worry about them. We've been on with the bathroom for a month now and it's still not very near finished. It's put me off DIY for life
Reet sanding done on all upstairs rooms and the pine floorboards are in great nick Just washed um with white spirits and gonna wax n varnish tomorrow... Im starting to enjoy this DIY now