I should really be in bed!!!!! Just got back in. Had a class night. Met plenty of class new people. Starting work at 7 this morning!!!!
And total congratulations to Richard. Amazaing!!!! These tunes made my night!!!! Moray Kante - Yeke Yeke Push - The Legacy New Order - Blue Monday Loads more, just cant remember any at the minute.
Skydive - Freefall.. into a classic 80's track.. what a way to finish the night - even tho the bouncers were just itching to kick us all out Richard, that was an AMAZING set.. you should have taken a bow to that standing ovation BBE - 7 Days and One Week Binary Finary - 1998 Thrillseekers - Synthaesia Veracocha - Carte Blanc Just a few of the highlights
Yep.. I got soaked to the skin just dancing all night - not time even for a drink!! It was worth it tho, the place was packed.. excellent atmosphere
I was soaking when I got in and now Im dry. I had a mint night and met loads of freaks (glitter angel). Oh I can;t fuckin wait till 2morrow for Lost vs Vuzz. WOOOOOOOOOO Maybe I just excite 2 easily.
WOW.....I was so chuffed Bullet in The Gun got played although I have to apologise for DrHH, I nearly took his head off when I celebrated hearing the tune!
Blue Monday was such a good choice for a last track. All I could see from the djs box where loads of !
Blue Monday was mint! For me I think this is my promise tune - really does remind me of promise every time I hear it! Deffo the promise tune!
well as weve discussed today id have to agree, and i like the answer machine!!! wooooooooooohoooo........ leave a meeesage! lol
Absolutely, but we were all just getting going at 3am, and by the time blue monday came on we were all gagging for more !!
Totally agree, was an outstanding night but needed to be a few more hours, Promise was still really buzzin at 3. Richard - Fucking outstanding Cheers Promise