Cheap train tickets - how do u get them? Iv tried Virgin and Trainline traveling more than a week in advance and they are still mega bucks
where do u want to go? i'll have a look for u as i get them all the time so know where's best to look for them have u got a railcard?
the best way now is to go into the train station and ask for the cheapest possible ticket... internet is useless for cheap tickets... as for ringing, the monkeys in the call centres all work on commission - ie. they lie... i've found you'll still be able to get cheap(er) tickets up until 3 days in advance...
Example.....prices to go to London next Saturday coming back Sunday..... Top is a return bottom is singles.....there n back for £35 rather than £88 jobs a good un.
You have to get 7 day advance tickets a lot earlier than 7 days before as there is only a limited supply of them before the prices go up so they can sell out quickly on popular routes GNER usually have more cheaper tickets than virgin aswell
all bollocks tom. any internet site, all train companies telesales and all stations with booking systems have exactly the same availablity as they all use the same national database. telesales and stations use a program called tribute to check availability and prices... if you fone virgin you should get the same journey price as if you phoned gner, as all companies sell other tocs tickets at the same price thats available at that time. gner telesales do not get commission on tickets, they took that out months ago cos pressure was on to get revenue up and agents were more likely to sell expensive tickets... now commission is on manned phone time and monitoring scores. so revenue now makes no difference to commission and selling the right ticket/customer service is in the agents best interests. virgin telesales is a robot unless you wait to be transferred, and the cretins there are not much better than a machine. gner is easily the best call centre for booking tickets... having worked there most of the staff are decent and helpful, there are a few jobsworths, thicko's and rude twats but its the same anywhere. the further you book in advance the cheaper it generally should be, avoiding peak and busy times (commuter hours + fidays and sundays)... it also depends on the company and how many cheap tickets they release and also where your going too. london tickets tend to sell quicker than say, edinburgh. once cheap tickets are gone thats it, theyve gone. theres always room for staff errors/dishonesty that could mean price discrepencies but i can honestly say it wont happen at gner telesales too often, i hate the fucking place but i would always use that for ticket booking...
I normally just book at least a month in advance and get singles/return to for well cheap- £20/£25 to london is a bargain
when i ask for your opinion, i'll give it you, ok? it was you that told me about the commison, i rang up and asked for a ticket to london, they told me £60 and that all the cheap tickets had gone, then i rang you and you had loads left so stick that u yer jewish ass as for the internet - if you go into a station you can ask them for the cheapest ticket and they will find it - on the net you can say i want to go from a - b and the return leg won't be available but it won't tell you why... or which tickets are available without spending half an hour messing about with single till you get the right combination... anyway, whos had the most experience with the damn things? moi, so blow me
doesnt change the fact that everywhere uses the same database and generally the same booking system (tribute) therefore availability is the same anywhere. the reason i found you cheaper tickets was because i looked at all possibilites, the other person you talked to wont have done that, most people there would look for cheaper tickets to get a sale tho. as i said gner used to get commission on ticket sales... but no longer. the internet could be faulty if the site plays up but apart from that it will identical to anywhere else. i know this because people would fone and say 'i can only find x price on the net, can you get it cheaper'... the only way you can get it cheaper is that at telesales or a station we can hunt down cheaper times near to the ones you specified... the internet never does that, it will show very little, if anything, around your times. and experience? i spent a year selling the buggers and regularly travelling by train. i would say i know more about how ticket sales works than most. and i aint jewish, im just down with the yids
Im wanting to go to London end of November so that would probly be okay wouldnt it?? Exhibition I cant wait to see at the Tate