Geordies are the politest Brummies are Britain's rudest Brummies are the rudest people in Britain, a survey has revealed. Geordies are the politest, closely followed by Scousers. Researchers went undercover to measure the civility of residents in eight cities around the country, subjecting them to a series of "courtesy tests". They checked whether shop assistants said please and thank you, and whether people going into public buildings held the door for those behind them. Drivers were observed to see if they thanked those who let them into rush-hour traffic from side roads, while passers by were assessed for their willingness to stop and help someone who had dropped their shopping. The research for Readers Digest magazine found that Britons overall were polite 59% of the time, but that in Newcastle the figure was 77%. Liverpool came second with 70%, while Birmingham came bottom with residents managing common courtesy on just 43% of occasions. The other cities tested were Exeter, Cardiff, London, Southampton and Edinburgh. The north emerged as politer than the south in the tests, each of which was carried out ten times in each city.
I wouldnt say Geordies were the politest people. Its a wierd one since you get some really nice and friendly people in clubs (for obvious reasons) ...... but outside of that i wouldnt say we were necessarily a nice bunch of people. Some of the most arrogant people you will ever get are in newcastle bars 'thinking' they are it.
Re: Geordies are the politest Not surprised to hear that. I have yet to meet a polite brummie on my many trips down there! Only bad thing about Godskitchen is it's location
Re: Re: Re: Re: Geordies are the politest I know, at least there cool at the travelodge at Passion anyways
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Geordies are the politest Aye passion ones class just the birmingham ones a cunt. Was gutted that they wouldnt sell us another room was just thankfull daz went on a mission to find another room for a few hours at about 5am evgen if it cos £100 for about 4 hours
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Geordies are the politest She was a right bitch like, was really snotty to everyone
Before we went out when i went for a taxi number she was a total bith cos i needed a taci number in the middle of birmingham and didnt know one , then had to send someone else down for one cos i deleted it off the phone without thinking
Re: Re: Re: Re: Geordies are the politest She was a total waste of space like! doesnt mke any difference to her whos in the rooms does it, reallly? Brummies!