fecking hurricane! have been shitting it all day, my ma and step dad went to dominican republic on sunday, been watchin the news and that, been hearin about deaths near by all day, been tryin to call my ma's mobile and hotel all day, have even tried to call the british embassy... got no answer at all! so up until 10 mins ago have been tearing my feckin hair out and pacing the house... then i finally get a call from my ma.... '' oh have you called '' (wtf ) only 200 times... ''sorry weve been out playing golf, totally missed us!'' totally up a height... off for a :chill: :chill: :chill: :chill: :chill: now!! that is all..................... sooooo stressed!! double happy now though i know thier okay!
It's funny how the one good way to calm yourself down in these situations and avoid going crackers, is an illegal way :chill: