get high 'naturally' according to 'frank' you can get high naturally, without the risk of the law or side effects... sounds good? read on...
# One third said they get their best high from doing well at college or work. # One in four said winning at their favourite sport was best way. # Only 3% said that drugs gave them the best buzz. GOLD
talk to frank is the biggest pile of shite, so patronising and basically sounds like government bullshit when will they learn that people are often quite clued up about the crap they take but are willing to take the risk as it is reasonably low? i wish someone would just say... 'ecstacy is great the first few times but if you nail it it gets shit, plus you look like a munter... you could die but only if you're a fucking idiot. and ket? do it as much as you like but you'll lose all dignity and the respect of all those around you. weed is safe, unless you cain it and turn into a paranoid schizophrenic' just say no
hahaha I know that. It's just because you said it sounded like government bullshit and I thought it was really really witty.
this is bollocks lmfao, getting high on drugs is clearly better than the high you get from having a good day at work.
going to see live bands gives me the same effects as a few gurns! thought u were on bout legal weed....was going to say to that, that i'd rather have nowt!