boooooommm Yeah finished work for two weeks fucking get in going on holiday on tuesday and got a mad weekend involving, promise and mylo. well excited whats everyone else upto this weekend?
Cans, mix, england match, promise, more cans, :chill:, another mix and some more cans (in that order)
organised but messy my son! Apart from promise we pretty much do that every single's ace
drink, drink, drink, drink and drink. go to promise get off the map, find afters, get more off the map. go home or go for beers. sorted
Hope I get the £20 I'm expecting. Hope i dont spend it all at one. Take advantage of free shots once in promise
fri going to a chariy night for my mate who has cystic fibrois sat overtime on the morning then of to view houses in and around newcastle drink lots then promise sun carrying on from sat
Re: boooooommm I'm in York and will mostly be playing with our cute puppy this weekend! Was going to come back up to newcastle to Promise..... still might be. Apart from that, I'll be thinking about and planning my dreaded dissertation
friday :beer: :drunk: :chill: and playing poker and getting a new kitten saturday watching the match sunday fack all playing with my new pussy
Hopefully Saturday night though, you'll miss it if you try and go at any other time Pics, match, chinese, bars, Promise, and possibly even afters on Saturday :wiggle: