mountain dew? any1 remember this??? nicest soft drink EVER but to my knowledge is only avaible to the yanks now event though as a young un i used 2 drink it here...but..... loadsa american favourite drinks, sweets(candy), groceries etc... class site
tis a great drink last had it in ibiza last year, i drank LOADS of the stuff was disappointed when it stopped here
it was unusual taste wen i was lil but i aint had it for at least 10years but a case of the dew and some cherry pepsi are on the way, almost prdered some lucky charms cereal but as jess sed, fiver a box for cereal
when i lived in `the states` :fart: my pals used to live on `cool aid` it was like a diluty drink but it came in powder sachets that you poured into liquid then stired it up........ it was nice but weird. a bit like corn dogs
quality save do lucky charms!! mountian dew was awesome, drank it all this yr in ibiza, the shops stocks only lasted till mid way thru second week though i used to drink between 4 and 8 bottles a day mmmmmmmmmmmm
Remember having a can of it in the 'Grasshopper' in Amsterdam, along with some rather nice brownees :groovy: