Fattest bastard in britain Sky 1 tonight at 9. Think I might watch this coz these shows make me feel slim
he was on richard + judy this avo aswell (i was at work and have no contro over the tv ok lol) brave bloke goin on tv lookin like that, with the money he will be gettin from tht id get uber-lipo + have all the excess skin tucked if i were him
He didn't seem to care really which is a shame as if he doesn't sort himself out soon, he's gonna have serious health problems. The thing i didn't get was, he obviously doesn't work so where does he get all the cash for his food from? I take it his wife works and pays for some of it but surely shes not earning the sort of the cash that can pay for 40 pints down the pub and the whole indian menu, looking at a few hundred quid just for that night alone?