Haha I jokingly said to my mate about seeing Westwood tonight and he seriously wants to go I had only planned to pop into the club to pick up my flyers
"whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat" just seen the lanky wankstain nabbed a classic photo of him holding up (unknowingly) a GATECRASHER flyer mwahahahahaha :rofl: :rofl: :laugh: :laugh:
dunno bout chav,,chavs more of ya banger tarted up with a corned beef tin on the back some go faster stripes an a tart blastin wank oot the best quality matsui speakers he could steal. however the stuff he "rolls on",,is just the biz
What is your problem??? just cos you dont like what he does there is no need to have some bizarre hatered for him....he's a nice man and if you want to go out and ruin his wheels because u dont like his show then i think you need to give urself a shake pet! I realise that not every one is going to like him and people will judge because of what he does but there is no need for that....
Pinch and salt mean owt to you?! You lot all judge me, but when I judge someone who has already been ripped throught the entire thread its a big no no
Westwood is responsible for almost every direction british hip hop has taken, he was part of our first big group (london posse), he's broken more american acts over here than any other dj... to dismiss him because he talks in faux-ebonics is as stupid as dismissing Elvis Costello for singing in american accent. Language is changing and internationalising - timmys just ahead of his time