Alright Cazz! Tomozza - Driving lesson! Wooo!! Wednesday - Meeting with Madders and a trip to the hairdressers. Thursday - Driving lesson Friday - My mates Electro night & art show Saturday - Going to Cardiff to see Paul Maddox & flyer
Tomorrow I'm off to enrol for my masters The rest of the week I'm dossing about. Saturday I'm Djing. Sunday I'm working at the metro
First week of my new placement, starting today. Back to York on Fri then driving aaalllllllll the way to Skegness on Sat to get a new puppy. Then NOT going to Gods on Sat night for Armin's 9hr set
im just working all week got a late start thurs but gotta stay till about 7.30 or 8 ish as well as having out MD up so can't doss around might go out for a meal one night this week but will see, boring week ahead, and a not so eventful weekend either
i hav got to go to trainin down middlesborough for the week. so i hav got to get the train at 7 clock in the mornin from newcastle. then get the 5:30 train bak from middlesborough. kills me doin that like.
Nowt planned till Thursday then going out for tea in Sunderland b4 heading to the Empire to see Beauty and the Beast Pay day Fri so sure will the weekend will involve shopping
fri-Bugger All SAT-THE ONE AN ONLY LAWLER sun-sit on a mong in front of me comp an tell u lot how awesome afore-mentioned DJ was
Started a new job at the RDS, got training with that all week i think. Friday night - WHQ , Saturday night - London.
tuesday - night off, chill out, might play squash Wednesday - Freshers week, so got to work. Thursday - neet off, i need something to do Friday - work Saturday - work Sunday - work
nothin as still hav a twisted ankle so cant drive anywhere at min and im totally skint hav got enough for dinner on sunday and thats bout it. dont get paid til 30th either
Was supposed to be starting tai chi tonight, but it's been postponed. :evil: Lunch tomorrow with an old friend. Federation on Sat night. Other than that - bugger all!
Tonight - going to see friends baby, Art and lots of! Wednesday - not sure yet probably more work!! Thursday - dont have any plans Friday - Yoga and then not sure - nothing much though. Saturday - out to town for friends bday I think Sunday - going for a meal for her birthday as well
Tonight - Staying in, and watching a dvd Wednesday - Going shopping as I've just been paid Thursday - Going out for a meal with my friends Friday - My friends 21st birthday then going up Newcastle Saturday - Hungover in bed