gutted i twisted my ankle last nite in mine on the stairs was all sore and swollen this morning so couldnt do the great north run
u think i wudnt of been its not that unrealistic is it?? but i hav twisted my ankle, is really sore :cry2: cant walk on it hardly so cant go out anywhere.
you wont even walk into the kitchen to get your own juice nevermind run 15 miles Hope it gets better soon remember RICE
its only coz i know how much ppl like gettin it for me i hope it does too nitemare least i did it at mine and not somewhere else where wud hav to stay there til i got better to drive home :spangled: rice??? i put wedges on it last nite
aw sorry to hear your ankles bad hope its not too badly sprianed theres nthign worse is there, be careful on it for a few days
Check out Dr Aaron lol, she's hopping about the place. Bless! Watching the run on the telly though, feeling knackered already
mine was just a sympathy vote lol, aw well you gotta have a lazy day now cos everyone suggested it............enjoy it
just got back from the gym and they had the run on one of the screens. someone was hobbling along, leg in a cast on CRUTCHES!!!!!!! so no excuse missus!! :laugh:
every other day what does she do on the other days then??? :angel2: should have still gone down to the run though, see if any of us get spat on
:tut: my ankle still hurts my dad is off work today so he has dropped me off at work and is pickin me up so didnt hav a day off. how bad is this tho - all day yesterday i had really bad pains all down the middle of ribcage and down to my stomach, really hurt to the point where i was cryin coz hurt that much!! :cry2: my mam rang for the doctor bout 7pm last nite and they rang back sayin that the doctor was too busy too come out and i wud hav to go to the hospital!! bit exteme goin to hospital, wasnt gonna sit there for hrs to b seen plus obv i couldnt drive as twiseted my ankle and dad had been drinkin all day so couldnt of took me!! still got pains and dunno wot is wrong not as bad as yesterday tho