Smokey Joes (shop in town) anyone ever bought anything from there? Need a 2nd hand video player but i get the f.e.a.r. everytime i walk past it
Bought a few things from there it's very cheap, had no problems meself and don't know OF anyone who has really.
i would have flogged mine for 30 quid like. But you could try the shop on Heaton Road they sell everything and you can haggle the price aswell.
your reccomending him to go to computer & electronics lab? thats almost a case of diminished responsibility through electricution...
Might have a couple of old ones knocking about, moving over the next week or so, so I'll dig them out and you can have them if either works (not sure if they do though), was just chucking them anyway. Can sort something on Saturday if you're down to see the pete