Anyone at Loaded last night? I didn't know it was only upstairs in foundation. It was almost empty and not much atmosphere at all. Anyone else go?
me nd jay went too. had a great time, agreed there werent many people there but was a brill atmos all the same. all djs played well, shame i didnt get to hear vicky play though, really sound lass, as is kerry, b.o.b (helen i think her name is) and also tara 'mercy' and 'party people'- quality night, hopefully more to come. many thanks to kerry for putting the night on.
Tara is quite fit tbh , and is canny as fook in person , she played a blinder when we had her on at the detox castle party , even tho she had the mumps , gutted i cudnt make loaded like , totally brassed She's fookin off back to Oz as well soon so i reckon tw8 will be the last time i see her
fuwkin damn right! 100% eye candy. she was saying that she goes back to Oz in a month but will still be doing the big events, the weekenders, summercamps etc etc etc.