Well its nearly the weekend, whats everyones plans??? Fri - work AM, flyering PM, consuming alcahol in the evening Sat - lie in, flyering PM, blowing up balloons in promise in the evening, then partying into sun morn Sun - hopefully recovering in bed
Grans Birthday today so over there for some scrummy tea. Then Flyering PM, Then seeing master P. (i think) Friday. Flyering all day, finish @ 4pm, have some tea, the flyering again til 12.30/1am then foundation for a wee bit boogie... prepare myself for..... sat.. flyering all day (around the match too) then MAGNA on the night....... sunday...Grans Big birthday party with my daddy coming up!!!
Friday : Nowt Saturday : Drinking Apple Souz in mine with rach then promise. Sunday : Bowling, cans, mix, pizza, bed
hell yeah weekend already! Friday- my mates band is playing so tp night there! Then might hit bullet proof! sat- Durham with my mates and her's from Uni Sunday- recover!
Thurs - Off to my lasses Fri Chilling - Xbox and DVDs Sat - Chilling, night - PROMISE Sunday - recover A simple plan
Fri night - Loaded @ Foundation Sat - recovering Sat night - might go out for a few beers Sun - pottering round the house
Fri - Packing for mi holiday Sat - More packing during day, Laz's early evening for booze and a warm up then PROMISE Sun - Going on holiday, probs feeling well rough...
Frday i dont know. Saturday day, wash the car do some shopping then oot on an all expenses paid day out on the lash with work :drunk: probably followed by promise Sunday recovering from Promise somewhere in a field in Hampshire
Friday night- Mr Lynch all night i think for a few with my new ladyfriend saturday- down to leeds to get my car back off my brother, then possibly shindig on sat night sunday- watching the test, then seeing above woman cant wait!
Fri - Aint too sure as yet. Sat - Out with me mates to the match, night time ?!?! Sun - Aint to sure as yet. First weekend in ages when i havent had a clue what am really doing
fri - not much sat - lie in then shoppin and goose for lunch nite time - promise :wiggle: :drunk: sun - not much - defo resting and hopefully if its nice sittin outside