Touretts syndrome any one watch the prog on this on ch 5 last night must be a fuckin nightmare but still couldnt help the odd giggle. does this only effect men
That's what I wondered? Is it only males? Watched most of the program (whilst flicking over to see if I recognised any of the coppers or idiots on Crimefighters in Sunderland on ITV) Thought I'd missed this info. Know only 2 people, and my lass knew 2 children, all male??? It's the women that drive us to it!!! DICKHEAD!
Re: Touretts syndrome No a women came into work shouting random stuff at the till. The girl i work with thought she was joking and said something back and then the women apologised because she had tourettes. Funniest laugh ive had in ages. obviously not in front of the women though.
Reminds me of Deuce Biggalow Incidentally, I didnt see COCKSUCKER the program, but im BASTARDS sure it was ARSEHOLE interesting.
my mate reckons he got a taxi driver who had it but it wasnt just his voice that was hyper it was his whole body so every so often the guy would shudder and the car would swerve