going to like, got first one arranged for tomorrow night the worst part is the gf plays and has challenged me to a game, and me pissed last night was like `yeah, i play all the time and am fking mint at it!!!`
it can be quite dangerous.... stay away from your mates rackets and the walls!! another mate cut of his fingers in the door handle ring as well
I played this about a month ago at temple park in shields, after 10 mins i was near coughing up blood and had to have a rest Quick ciggy and bottle of water and I was ready to go again, then stopped after 5 mins and went to the cantine, had some food and went home
fucks sake I want to quit, i've been feeling under the weather since foundation, been averaging 2 tabs a day, its the ideal time to ween myself off them
Ive tried weaning myself off them, didnt work cos your still allowing yourself to have one, so I decided to just stop and havent had one since
my dad used to play all the time he loved it, even when he cam home with his eye the size of a tennis ball cos he got hit in the face by the sauash ball, been terrified ever since