Jobs in Newcastle After a lot of thinking, I've decided to leave university and get a job. Now the only problem is, I need to find one. I was wondering if anyone has any ideas of any jobs going in Newcastle starting from the beginning of October. I'm pretty much willing to do anything (within reason !) Any help would be much appreciated. Send me a PM if you know of anything. Thanks a lot for all your help!
Go to a few employment agencies - they can usually get you temp work at least. Other than that try the Chronicle on Thursdays!
Yes, if you dont mind, could you also keep a look out for some work for a nice American boy who might be trying to stay in Newcastle for a while... hmm... not sure how long, but we shall see soon, eh?
yeh im lookin for a job while im bk @ uni up there..... used 2 be on barstaff @ sugar.... shite job. ok pay
nah people there were spot on.. just monday nites were too fcukin busy for everyone..all the cheeze heds in for there piss up
monday nights in there were hell on earth!!! was in there with a laydee friend one week, and she is only tiny, and she nearly got crushed to death!! the upstairs bit is good, loads of bad rmx's of songs!!! class!!
i know what u mean... its cos the bar men let 2 many people in.. sumtimes up 2 300-500 over the capacity.... naughty naughty.. upstairs - lol yeh... how shall we put it.. 'dance remixes' of heeeze chart tunes... funny stuff!
Whats Blue Arrow? I want a job aswell - there was on in the chronicle for IT helpdesk staff that sounds alright for 6 quid an hour. I just need some cash
Blue arrows an agency, you just go in fill in some forms and they ring you up each day and ask if you wanna work, if happy to do anything you can get upto 60 hours a week.
Get a job at my work, its dead easy, they take anyone on. Even dyslexics to do the filing. I know its not a laughing matter but they must be desperate for people if they resort to that.