Deep...... Was just reading a news report about the sun and it says that they reckon the sun was shining brightly 4.5 BILLION Years ago thats 4,500,000,000,000 years ago or 1,642,500,000,000,000 days or 39,420,000,000,000,000 hours or (going off the average life span of 70 years) 64,285,714,285 lifetimes unbelieveable when you think about it...really makes you realise how small and unimportant your life really is in the grand scheme of things
oh aye not long... only another 4.5 billion years to go, please forgive me if i dont shit me self and cover my entire body in factor 50
or the pressure and gravity either rip you into individual molecules OR squash for body to the size of an atom might smart a little...
get youself down Idols at a weekend and there are plenty of opportunities to delve into some black holes
I'll give you deep, in theory if you travel at the speed of light matter is suppose to turn into energy, so basically our human bodies would be no more and we would be just energy.:spangled: there a reversal process so you could be energy for a bit and then go back to normal??? I love all this nerdy stuff
How about if we manage to get to the speed of light , you could use your own body as an energy source?
you'd have to create some kind of vaccum to seperate you from the normal effects of time/space when trying to reach that kinda of speed...
I don't reckon anyone will ever get that fast, the guy that got to the speed of sound died......(is that right??) the guy that drove on a lake or something. Wish some human one day would randomly have a super powevr though like being speedy or being able to change from one matter to another...
That guy was going for the land speed record in the lakeside.. in a bluebird iirc.. I think the sound barrier has only been broken in air.. Can't imagine a boat goin that fast.. As for the sun, black holes and human melting.. Madness.. glad we won't be here to be fair.. However it would be pretty :groovy: to witness it.. Something tells me factor 50 might be a little on the light side.. i'd try 60 just incase
the sound barrier has been broken many, many times. the speed of light - nee chance after all, once you are travelling faster than the speed of light, *strictly speaking* you will arrive at your destination before you set off, which would slightly fuck things up (just a touch) :spangled: good source of links and interesting reading :fart: