18th birthday!!!! Dicky Tulips trance classics nite happens to be on the eve of my 18th birthday so any1 thinking of not attending best think again, UNLESS U HAVE A MEGA GOOD EXCUSE! also the following week happens to be the gorgeous teresa wood's 19th birthday and the same rules apply any1 who doesnt go answers to me! OK!!! ps Birthday checks should be made payable to PAUL CLARK(i) ENTERPRISES, CHARVACO.
CLARKi ur such a darlin but checks no.... cash silly...eeeeee what am i going to do with you :spangled: dont worry you'll soon find out.. hee hee
Re: 18th birthday!!!! So I guess that will be your FIRST night in foundation then, seeing as you've never been old enough !
I really can't understand why that is taken as.... Yak coz after all he is a little charva and is 1 year younger than is oh well i suppose it is like i'm taking advantage....hee hee!!!
Even though I don't know u I'll be there cause u were nice enough to send a PM saying happy birthday to me - nothing to do with the fact I was gonna go anyway though
You didnt send me a PM on my birthday. So theres no chance of gettin one off me kid make that 2 burgers and we'll celebrate.