People not at GKGG What r u doin today? Im bored as fuck so im listening to Corvin's set from March or whenever he was on Ahhhhhhhhh Wet n Hard
yeh steve irwin.. hes wkd.. on discovery animal channel all day... (my dad left it on... honest ) all week or sumthing... hero!
i've just read 'take a break' summer special 2 while sunbathing in the garden with my dog. i apear to have lost my family....good thing i suppose. but now im bored.
I'm bored, waiting to go out tonight! Have done some work and pottered around the house, but nothing exciting.
It is shit being stuck at home, especially when its such a lush day and all them are swanning about a big field in Stratford having a wicked time...................bastards!!!
my sister just sent me a scan of my neice or nephew. its like a baby and everything. ok, so not that much of of a baby cos shes only 15 weeks gone. but its still a baby. i want a baby
I could be outside having a nice cold beer, but i dont want to be sitting in the garden with all the family and there other halfs. Im so unsociable
im gutted i aint there! lmao@ karl51 he just decided at 6.30 this morning that he was going! i defo wouldnt want to see the state of him and big matty tomorrow, they were both bollexed and very messy, and were going to do this alllllll daaaaaaay!!!
well i woke up this morning and was in full on awake mode and decided to clean my rooms! i even re-arranged some furniture and washed all the ben linen now ive just finished (yes it was that messy) and im now sitting on my bed sprawled out on lush smelling fresh bed clothes and a new fluffy blanket....totally relaxed in nice tidy surroundings, enjoying a glass of wine i cant think of anywhere i would rather be...specially not gods kitchen
Dont rub it in, im stuck in my boiling hot bedroom, the suns been shining into it all day and i cant get comfortable!!!
I been practising on the old decks to see if I want to enter this competition or not. Let's make it happen
Ive done absolutley Fukk all,all weekend upto today,coz iam off for a BBQ at me mams house,with fluffy and the bairn.Just gonna chill on the swingy garden chair thing.And try and get a tan.
not long been up..going to gods mam ...have a splash in the paddling pool with the bairn and stuff my hungry face lol oh and go to the stand and tan then on his ma's sun bed for a hr or so ...try and get my white legs remotley tanned lol