im bored and i cant sleep im too excited about 2moro, ive never been to a festival b4, i cant wait, but i wish i could go to sleep!! dr HH, gizmo and an@rchy are all asleep, why cant i? *squeezes eyes shut* *peeks* nope, im still awake
Try again but this time dont peek. It usually helps to keep your eyes shut while sleeping. Just a little tip for u
ohh well i got all day to sleep tomorrow cos i am not going. which is so not fair. (did i mention its so not fair). and if its anything like last years you will all love it(bastards!!!!!!!)
i cant wait, i dont know what to expect coz ive never been to one b4, but im soooooooo excited, id hate to be the person sitting next to me on the coach on the way down!
ok, now this is just getting boring, im still awake and every1 else is still asleep and i want to sleep but cant
Re: im bored and i cant sleep hahahaha - wish u did goto sleep ya lil'get then u wouldnt have scared the life outta me!!!!!!! heres me - lying there asleep - wakes up - noone in the room - then all of a sudden from across the room i hear the voice "hello hun!" - loads of cushions fall off the sofa and there appears glitter after trying to force herself to sleep!!! needless to say a pooped myself hhahahaa.... was shattered tho so quickly tuend back round (pretty rude like come to think of it!!) and went back to sleep