I have stayed up all night then gone to work at 5 in the evening non stop till half 11 far too many times for my liking! its horrific!
After a promise last year me and a mate Andy had work at 8am so he was coming to mine afterwards so we could go straight in....decided it was a good idea to double drop in the car on the way home Worst day at work ever, i was tired anyways and totally arseholed spent all day trying my hardest to be able to focus on my computer until i could go home at 4.
Worst ever is my mate Ben Friday : Work 7am-3pm then out on the lash and went to Promise and then afterparty Saturday : worked 7am-3pm then out on the lash and went to Shindig and then afterparty Sunday : Worked 7am-3pm Now that is hardcore , he was absolutely rolling on both nights
I used to end up going in mullered all the time ........ had to carrying on doing chisel in my office just to get through the day Then I came to my senses and jacked work in altogether
i used to finish work at 3.30AM and stay out til i went back to work at 7PM. then another heftey shift til 4AM. not nice!!
I feel proper tired today I can't hack getting up a 8 to go to work then being in all day, when I get in i've got to pack all my shit up to, cause I haven't done any of it yet and I'm moving tomorrow.
ah, quite looking forward to a person being here other than cat lady who is having a "shim" gathering...