Kinga or Craig? Who has the bigger issues? Craig or Kinga? Fuck me Craig has some problems like what is he goin on about??!
I think they both have some SERIOUS problems, jesus christ as if you would act the way either of them has on national TV, what the hell are Kinga's parents gunna think when she has shoved a wine bottle up her fanny and went to masterbate on the grass?! Fucking wierdos :spangled:
defo craig like that boys fucked up but i think he will do well when he gets out i think kinga is just playing up to the cameras but kinga has only got the option of doing porn when she gets out
Kinga is just plain fucked up. That exibition last night was just unneccesary Craig is having a hard time with his sexuality and he's been locked in a house for 10 weeks with a lot of people he hates, who hate him back - its gotta mess with your head! I feel really sorry for him, and he needs to get out soon.
what the fuck? i've gotta watch this... first she stuck a bottle up her blot THEN goes and lays on the grass to play the gusset piano? i REALLY am going to have to see this...
kinga's just an ugly dirty slapper who has to do such things to get noticed cos other wise nee one wud take notice of her...craig on the other hand really needs to see someone when he gets out...he is losing the plot in a big way over anthony but he's the only 1 who can't see that...
anyone who mistakes a bottle of wine for an ann summers toy and publicly annouces shes gonna masterbate on the grass has issues tbh!! what a slag
Craig is deffinitely putting it on a lot of the time but that's not to say he doesn't have issues. No matter what insecurities I may ever have, I will never ever be so socially inept and fucking dysfunctional as that bunch of cunts on big brother. Massive wankers.